Showing all 6 results

  • Rechargeable Torch Charger Bank

    The Wolf Rechargeable Torch Charger Bank provides a solution to charger mounting and space management as the 100-254VAC or 12-24VDC banking system allows easy recharging and storage for the Wolf Rechargeable Torch range.

  • CHARGER RC-200H/RC-200L

    The RC-200H/L chargers are for use with the R-50/55 torches in the Wolf Rechargeable Torch range.


    The Wolf Rechargeable Torch is an ATEX and IECEx certified rechargeable right angle safety torch, using the latest technology to give excellent performance, robustness and reliability for safe use in Zones 1 and 2 potentially explosive gas and 21 and 22 dust atmospheres (R-50). Zones 0 and 21 version available (R-55).

  • ATEX Compact Safty LED Torch

    The TR/TS-60 and 65 are compact, lightweight, ATEX LED torches for safe use in the most demanding Hazardous Area workspaces.  The torches are available in both right angle and straight versions.

  • WOLFLITE® H-251ALED Rechargeable Handlamp

    Wolflite® H-251ALED rechargeable LED safety handlamp has been CE marked in compliance with the 2014/34/ EU explosive atmospheres ATEX directive and UKCA marked in compliance with UKSI 2016/1107 UKEX Statutory Instrument, for use in a wide range of potentially explosive gases, vapours, mists and dusts.


    The Wolflite® XT Rechargeable Handlamp använder den senaste och mest avancerade tekniken för bästa prestanda och tillförlitlighet i de tuffaste miljöerna. Denna robusta lampan är CE-märkt enligt ATEX-direktivet och dessutom IECEx-certifierad, för säker användning i zon 1 och 2 potentiellt explosiv gas och zon 21 och 22 dammatmosfärer. Det finns även en version för zon 0.